玛莉·里昂(Mary Lyon, 1797 - 1849),这位传奇女性以她战略的眼光,坚定的信念,无以伦比的勇气和毅力,以及她对真理,对知识孜孜不倦的追求和热爱,改写了世界女性史,革命了世界教育格局,开辟了女性高等教育之路。
Mary Lyon
Mount Holyoke Seminary
South Hadley
Mary Lyon got a committee of advisers to help her in planning and building the school. She collected the first thousand dollars for the school from women in and around the town of Ipswich. At one point, she even lent the committee some of her own money. She did not earn any money until she became head of the new school. Mary Lyon opened Mount Holyoke Seminary for women in 1837. It was in the town of South Hadley, Massachusetts. She had raised more than $12,000. It was enough to build a five-story building. Four teachers and the first class of 80 young women lived and studied in the building when the school opened. By the next year, the number of students had increased to 116. Mary knew the importance of what had been established the first independent school for the higher education of women.