

This was truly startling. The universe was expanding, swiftly and evenly in all directions. [---1---] Far from being the stable, fixed, eternal void that everyone had always assumed, this was a universe that had a beginning. It might therefore also have an end.
The wonder, as Stephen Hawking has noted, is that no one had [-2-] the expanding universe before. A static universe, as should have been obvious to Newton and every thinking astronomer since, would [-3-] in upon itself. There was also the problem that if stars had been burning indefinitely in a static universe they'd have made the whole [-4-] hot—certainly much too hot for the likes of us. An expanding universe resolved much of this [-5-].
Hubble was [-6-] and didn't immediately appreciate the full implications of what he had found. Partly this was because he was woefully ignorant of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. [---7---] Moreover, in 1929 Albert Michelson—now in his twilight years but still one of the world's most [-8-] scientists—accepted a position at Mount Wilson to measure the velocity of light with his trusty interferometer, and must surely have at least mentioned to him the applicability of Einstein's theory to his own findings.
It didn't take a huge amount of imagination to read backwards from this and realize that it must therefore have started from some central point. hit on the idea of collapse intolerably at a stroke a much better observer than a thinker This was quite remarkable because, for one thing, Einstein and his theory were world famous by now. alert and esteemed
这的确是令人吃惊的。宇宙在扩大,速度很快,而且朝着各个方向。你无须有多么丰富的想像力就能从这点往后推测,发现它必定是从哪个中心点出发的。宇宙远不是稳定的,固定的,永恒的,就像大家总是以为的那样,而是有个起点。因此,它或许也有个终点。 正如斯蒂芬•霍金指出的,奇怪的是以前谁也没有想到要解释宇宙。一个静止的宇宙会自行坍缩,这一点牛顿以及之后的每个有头脑的天文学家都应当明白。还有一个问题:要是恒星在一个静止的宇宙里不停燃烧,就会使整个宇宙酷热难当--对于我们这样的生物来说当然是太热了。一个不断膨胀的宇宙一下子把这个问题基本解决了。 哈勃擅长观察,不大擅长动脑子,因此没有充分认识到自己的发现的重大意义。在一定程度上,那是因为他可悲地不知道爱因斯坦的广义相对论。这是很有意思的,因为一方面爱因斯坦和他的理论在这时候已经世界闻名,另一方面,1929年,阿尔伯特•迈克尔逊--这时候已经进入暮年,但仍是世界上最敏锐、最受人尊敬的科学家之一--接受了威尔逊山天文台的一个职位,用他可靠的干涉仪来测量光的速度,至少可以肯定已经向哈勃提到过,爱因斯坦的理论适用于他的发现。