Lyndon Johnson
Rev.Martin Luther King Jr.
Malcolm X
President Lyndon Johnson supported the Rev.Martin Luther King Jr. in his peaceful fight for civil rights and voting rights for African Americans. Some black leaders, such as Malcolm X, believed in less peaceful means to reform. New laws ended segregation and guaranteed African Americans the right to vote. Many black Americans worked toward joining the more prosperous middle class. While racial prejudice was not gone, African Americans had a better chance to live freely and well.
林登约翰逊总统支持Rev.Martin Luther King Jr. 在他的非裔美国人的公民权利和投票权的和平斗争。有些如黑人领袖马尔科姆X,相信在较和平的手段改革。新的法律结束了隔离和保证非裔美国人的投票权。许多美国黑人工作走向加入更加繁荣的中产阶级。虽然种族偏见没有消失,非裔美国人有一个更好的生存机会自由和福祉。