Bob Ennis
'The Tex-Mex'
Bob Ennis has graduated from college and now lives with two of his old classmates. They share an apartment in BelAir, a suburb. Because they aren't married, they have to do everything themselves, the cleaning, the laundry and even the cooking. Usually, on Saturdays, they go out to a restaurant. Right now Bob's making plans with one of his roommates, Sara. Sara has a date with her boyfriend, and Bob has a date with his girlfriend. They are thinking about a place for the four of them to eat. Well Sara, I'm really getting tired of eating the same food all the time. You know, pizza, hamburgers, steaks. Yeah, one week is like another. But I take it there's a new place on the Boulevard. Really? I haven't heard. What is it? I've never been there, but a colleague says it's one of the most interesting restaurants in BelAir. It's 'The Tex-Mex'.