Artist:Maximilian Hecker

Doubts have vanished
All is clear
White, smooth, endless, outright, sheer
And I smile as I sink to the ground
Snow is falling down on me
I start crying blissfully
Lazy diamonds poured by heaven
Lie down on my red, hot cheeks
Drowsy drift ice
Live forever
I fall deeply into sleep
Doubts have vanished
All is clear
White, smooth, endless, outright, sheer
And I smile as I rise into heaven

2008年的冬天,重听Maximilian Hecker的Snow心里为之一颤。几天来电视、网络都是有关雪灾的新闻报道:机场关闭、火车站停售车票……大雪、冻雨进一步影响到人们的生活,有的地方甚至连续几天停电停水,身在异乡的儿女们也许今年不能够回家和父母团聚,但他们对家里的亲人们却是无比的牵挂与思念。近日更传来消息,奋战在抗冰保电前线的多名电力职工相继殉职,五十年难遇的雪灾对大家都是极大的考验,沪江英乐在此希望大家的心凝聚在一块,让我们送上祝福,伸出援助之手,祝愿受灾地的人们能挺过去……
