


Where does Katie go?凯蒂要去哪里?

Conversation A

Mark: You didn’t turn the camera on? What’s wrong with you?

Dan: Hey! You’re not very good with the camera either.

Mark: Well, I know how to turn on the camera! That’s more than you can do!

Katie: This is no fun.. I’m going to the berry garden. Call me when you’re ready to be nice to each other. (leave)

Mark: Katie! I’m sorry! (to Dan) Look what you did!

Key Words
drop (v) 松手使……掉下;扔下
Please stop dropping food on the table.
Footage (n) (影片的)连续镜头画面
We saw footage of you on TV! How exciting!
2.参与方式:1)小组讨论 2)节目订阅


ps: 《空中英语教室》系列杂志都有订购哦!