




Conversation A

Dan: Why is this semester so important?

Mark: I got a scholarship from this school. If I get bad grades, I’ll lose it.

Dan: Well, don’t worry. Classes haven’t even started yet.!

Mark: You need to get out of bed. Katie will be here soon.

Dan: Oh, yeah. I’m sorry about Katie.

Mark: What do you mean? Why are you sorry?

Key Words
Hang out (v) (和朋友相约一起)消磨时间,闲荡
Friends hang out a lot because they like to spend time together.
Knock (v) 敲,击
Please knock on the door before you come into my room.
City (n) 都市,城市
A lot of people live in L.A. it’s a big city.
Friendly (adj) 友善的,亲切的
Nora is very friendly. I am glad I am her friend.
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