

This was more than a little odd, for Hubble's life was filled from an early age with a level of distinction that was at times almost ludicrously golden. At a single high school [-1-] in 1906, he won the pole vault, shot put, discus, hammer throw, standing high jump, and running high jump, and was on the winning mile-relay team—[-2-]—and came in third in [-3-]. In the same year, he set a state record for the high jump in Illinois.
As a scholar he was equally [-4-], and had no trouble gaining [-5-] study physics and astronomy at the University of Chicago (where, [-6-], the head of the department was now Albert Michelson). There he was selected to be one of the first Rhodes scholars at Oxford. [---7---] Though he later claimed to have passed most of the second decade of the century practicing law in Kentucky, in fact he worked as a high school teacher and basketball coach in New Albany, Indiana, before belatedly attaining his doctorate and passing briefly through the Army. ([---8---])
track meet that is seven first places in one meet the broad jump proficient admission to coincidentally Three years of English life evidently turned his head, for he returned to Wheaton in 1913 wearing an Inverness cape, smoking a pipe, and talking with a peculiarly orotund accent, not quite British but not quite not, that would remain with him for life. He arrived in France one month before the Armistice and almost certainly never heard a shot fired in anger.
这就很不寻常了,因为哈勃的生活中从小就充满真正的奇特之处,有时候简直令人难以置信地出类拔萃。仅在1906年的一次中学田径运动会上,他就赢得了撑杆跳高、铅球、铁饼、链球、立定跳高、助跑跳高的冠军,还是接力赛跑获胜队的成员--那就是说,他在一次运动会上获得了7个第一名。同年,他创造了伊利诺伊州跳高记录。   作为一名学者,他也是出色得不得了,不费吹灰之力就考上芝加哥大学,攻读物理学和天文学(说来也巧,系主任就是阿尔伯特•迈克尔逊)。他在那里被选为牛津大学的首批罗兹奖学金获得者之一。3年的英国生活显然冲昏了他的头脑。1913年他返回惠顿的时候,披着长披风,衔着烟斗,说起话来怪腔怪调,滔滔不绝--不大像英国人,而又有点像英国人--这种模样他竟保留终生。他后来声称,他在20世纪20年代的大部分时间里一直在肯塔基州当律师,但实际上他在印第安纳州新奥尔巴尼当中学教师和篮球教练,后来才获得博士学位,并在陆军待了很短时间。(他是在签订停战协定前一个星期抵达法国的,几乎肯定没有听到过愤怒的枪炮声。)