

【 本文中文新闻摘自中国新闻网】



1. Tiger Mother Amy Chua: 虎妈蔡美儿 

在出版的自传回忆录《虎妈战歌》Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother 中,耶鲁法学院教授蔡美儿介绍了她如何以中国式教育方法管教两个女儿(a memoir of how the Yale law professor raised her two daughters in the strict Chinese way),该书在美国出版后引发全民关于中美教育方法大讨论。


informing her daughter that she's "garbage"

rejecting ill-done Mother’s Day cards or careless essays

requiring girls to practice the piano and violin for hours at a time

hauling her then-7-year-old daughter's dollhouse out to the car and telling the kid that the dollhouse is going to be donated piece by piece if the daughter doesn't master a difficult piano composition

2. Wolf Dad Xiao Baiyou: 狼爸萧百佑

香港商人萧百佑自称“中国狼爸”,用“打”的教育方式,将三个孩子送进北大。出版教子经《所以,北大兄妹》介绍自己的教育经验(published a book called That’s Why They Go to Peking University about his fathering techniques)。 他始终相信,在中国长大、在中国发展的孩子必须用传统的教育方式进行教育。


no Coca Cola while surfing the Internet

no pocket money

no air conditioning even in the summer

no extra curricular activities or socializing

no opening the refrigerator door without permission

punishment for breaking the rules: lashes with a rattan cane
