Poor Chuck,她并非你的妈妈,而是Jack派来夺走酒店的棋子,哎,如此轻易相信一个人是多么悲惨的事情。
<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
E: This afternoon, I didn't have the courage to tell you
that I... [---1---] Seeing you made me realize what I'd done, and... and so then I told him he had to make a choice...me or the hotel.
C: [---2---]?
E: My flight to Zurich leaves at 10:00. I wanted to say good-bye. I'm sorry.I tried.
C: Stay...not for Jack or the hotel. [---3---] I already lost my mother once.
E: Chuck...I'm...not your mother.I don't know if your real mother is alive or not, but I'm sure she loved you very much and that she's nothing like me.
C: You're right.[---4---]
I signed the hotel over to Jack. And what did my uncle say Stay for me. Because my real mother could never have done to me what you did.
E:今天下午 我没有勇气告诉你 我... 我把酒店给Jack了 但你让我意识到自己做了什么 所以... 所以我要他做个选择 放弃我 还是放弃酒店 C:那么我叔叔怎么说? E:我10点飞往苏黎世 我想和你说声再见 很抱歉 我努力了 C:留下来... 不是为了Jack或是酒店 是为了我 我已经失去过一次母亲了 E:Chuck啊... 我... 不是你的母亲 我不知道你真正的母亲 是不是还活着 但我知道她真的是很爱你 她跟我一点都不像 C:你说的对 E:因为 我真正的母亲 绝对不会像你那样对我