美国社交网站Facebook脸谱网将于本周正式启动公司上市进程。Facebook在本周三正式向美国金融监督机构提交首次公开筹股申请。 首次公开筹股IPO具体指什么?它和上市公司又有什么样的关系?

Facebook启动上市 扎克伯格发表公开信>>>

An initial public offering (IPO) or stock market launch, is the first sale of stock by a private company to the public. It can be used by either small or large companies to raise expansion capital and become publicly traded enterprises. Many companies that undertake an IPO also request the assistance of an investment banking firm acting in the capacity of an underwriter to help them correctly assess the value of their shares, that is, the share price.


1. go public: 公司上市

私营公司(private company)通过发行股票成为上市公司 (publicly-listed company),上市公司发行的股票在证券交易所(stock exchange)交易,收益状况需公开(publish its accounts)。

The number of companies that go public has significantly increased as the economy developed and the private business sector thrived.

2. underwriter:承销商

首次公开筹股一般涉及到投资银行来充当承销商的角色(IPOs generally involve one or more investment banks known as underwriters),上市公司,也称为股票发行人(the issuer),与主承销商签订合同(enter a contract with a lead underwriter)出售公司的股份。

在此次Facebook上市的主承销权争夺战中,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)打败高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)成为主承销商。世界上其他的著名的投资银行/证券公司还包括:

花旗集团 Citigroup  

美林证券 Merrill Lynch

雷曼兄弟 Lehman Brothers Holdings

德意志银行 Deutsche Bank

野村证券 Nomura Holdings

3. 关于Facebook IPO的事实:

One out of every eight people in the world use Facebook monthly

Existing Facebook employees are about to get the deal of the century

The value of your Facebook profile: $4.39

The Facebook IPO crashed the SEC website
Facebook IPO导致SEC网站崩溃(SEC:美国证券交易委员会)

More people use their phones than their computers to check in to Facebook