认真听写 要仔细哈 有点难
And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky I'll make a wish send it to heaven Then make you want to cry the tears of joy For all the pleasure and the certainty That we're surrounded by the comfort And protection of the highest power In lonely hours,the tears devour you I wanna stand with you on a mountain I wanna bathe with you in the sea I wanna lay like this forever,until the sky falls down on me
当繁星在丝绒般的天空上闪闪发光 我会许个愿,将它送到天堂 然后,让你不由得流下喜悦的泪水 为那所有的欢愉与必然 我俩被幸福所围绕 被最伟大的力量保护着 在寂寞的时刻里,你心里将盈溢着喜悦的泪 我要与你一同站立在高山上 我要与你一起沐浴在大海中我要像这样永远的躺着,直到天空崩落在我身上