



You may not feel outstandingly [-1-] , but if you are an average-sized adult you will contain within your modest frame no less than 7 x 10^18 joules of potential energy—enough to explode with the force of 30 very large hydrogen bombs, [---2---]. Everything has this kind of energy trapped within it. We're just not very good at getting it out. Even a uranium bomb—the most energetic thing we have produced yet—releases less than 1 percent of the energy it could release if only we were more [-3-] .

Among much else, Einstein's theory explained how radiation worked: [---4---] . (It could do it by converting mass to energy extremely efficiently à la E =mc^2.) [---5---] (Ditto.) [-6-] , in a simple formula, Einstein endowed geologists and astronomers [-7-] billions of years. [---8---] Nothing could [-9-] it. It brought light (no pun intended, exactly) [-10-] the nature of the universe. Not incidentally, it also solved the problem of the luminiferous ether by making it clear that it didn't exist. Einstein gave us a universe that didn't need it.

robust assuming you knew how to liberate it and really wished to make a point cunning how a lump of uranium could throw out constant streams of high-level energy without melting away like an ice cube It explained how stars could burn for billions of years without racing through their fuel. At a stroke with the luxury of Above all, the special theory showed that the speed of light was constant and supreme. overtake to the very heart of our understanding of
你或许觉得自己不大健壮,但是,如果你是个普通个子的成人,你那不起眼的躯体里包含着不少于7×10^18焦耳的潜能--爆炸的威力足足抵得上30颗氢弹,要是你知道怎么释放它,而且确实愿意这么做的话。每种物体内部都蕴藏着这样的能量。我们只是不大善于把它释放出来而已。连一颗铀弹--我们迄今为止制造出的能量最大的家伙--释放出的能量还不足它可以释放出的能量的1%,要是我们更聪明点的话。   其中,爱因斯坦的理论解释了放射作用是怎么发生的:一块铀怎么源源不断地释放出强辐射能量,而又不像冰块那样融化。(只要把质量极其有效地转变为能量,这是办得到的:E=mc^2。)该理论解释了恒星为什么可以燃烧几十亿年而又不把燃料用尽。(同上。)爱因斯坦用一个简单的公式,一下子使地质学家和天文学家的视界开阔了几十亿年。该理论尤其表明,光速是不变的,最快的,什么速度也超不过它。因此,这使我们一下子弄清了宇宙性质的核心。而且,该理论还解决了光以太的问题,说明它并不存在。爱因斯坦的宇宙不需要以太。