Mr Webster来探视Jennet,Jennet或许有出狱的机会了......


I walk across the room and sit down on the floor. I am crying, but I feel a little better. Edmund Robinson of New church, is only ten years old. (1) He saw us at a witches' meeting at a house called Hoarstones. It's not true, but many people believed him. What is he going to say in London? The truth? Or more lies.

  But now, in the prison of Lancaster Castle, I want to tell my story. (2) about old women and hungry children. It is a true story, and it happened to me.
  I was born in 1603. My family was always very poor, and after my father died, we were poorer. In winter, I was often ill and I was always cold and hungry. In summer, I was sometimes ill and I was often cold and hungry. We lived some miles from the village of New church, in an old house called Malkin Tower. It was dirty and cold. (3) To the west, was the big hill called Pendle. Pendle Hill was beautiful. (4)

  My story begins on the eighteenth day of March in the year 1612. I was nine years old, and my life began to change on that day. (5)

  My sister Alizon wanted to go out. 'I'm going to look for bread,' she said.

  My brother James sat near the fire, his mouth open. 'Go and look for bread,' he said. 'Go and look for bread.' James often said things again and again.


Edmund told lies about me and about many women. It is a story about rich men and angry villagers, The rain came in through the windows and there were no doors. I loved Pendle Hill because it sat quietly all year and watched me. My mother and my grandmother were ill, and they sat on the floor with their dogs near the little fire.
我穿过房间坐到了地上。我在哭泣,但是我感觉稍好一点了。纽丘奇村的埃德蒙·鲁滨逊只有10岁。他说了有关我和很多妇女的谎话:他说他看到我们在一所名叫霍尔斯通斯的房子里参加女巫会议。那不是真的,可是许多人相信他的话。在伦敦他会讲些什么呢?真话?也许是更多的谎言。   不过现在,在兰开斯特城堡监狱里,我想讲述我的故事。它是一个关于有钱人和愤怒的村民们;关于老年妇女和饥饿的儿童的故事。这是一个真实的故事,它就发生在我的身上。       我出生于1603年。我的家庭一直非常贫穷。自从我的父亲去世后,我们的日子更艰难了。一年到头,我吃不饱、穿不暖,还常常生病。我们住在一所名叫马尔金塔的老房子里,离纽丘奇村有几英里远。这所房子又脏又冷,连一扇门也没有。下雨时雨水便从窗户浇进来。我家西面有一座潘德尔大山。它很美丽。我爱这座山,因为它终年宁静地坐落在那里,注视着我。   我的故事从这里讲起,那是1612年3月18日。当时我9岁。就在那一天,我的生活开始发生了变化。那天,我的妈妈和外祖母都生着病,她们围着一小堆火,和她们的几条狗一起坐在地上。   我的姐姐艾丽森想到外面去。“我去找点面包,”她说。   我哥哥詹姆斯张着嘴靠火坐着。“去找面包,”他说,“去找面包。”詹姆斯经常不断地重复他的话。