【吸血鬼日记】第一季第十八集(1) Elena&Stefan
【The Vampire Diaries】S01E18(1) Elena&Stefan
Stefan自从吸了人血后就一直在挣扎着自我克制...真是让人担心啊 ~~

老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
Elena: Why would he write a report on vampires? Do you think he's starting to remember?
Stefan: Damon took away those memories for good. You don't have to worry about that. Tell you what. Why don't you just ask him?
Elena: I... I can't.
Stefan: Why not? I mean, if he doesn't know anything, then it's just a... an innocent question.
Elena: __________1___________ I mean, we used to be a lot more open with each other, but now, with all these secrets just piling up... You know, I haven't even told him that I'm adopted yet.
Stefan: Maybe it's time you start opening up to him again. I'm not saying you should tell him everything. But at least try to find out what he does know and be prepared for it.
Elena: _______2_______ ________3_______
Stefan: I'm much, much better. Yeah, I'm... I'm still, you know, a little, uh... a little jittery, a little bit on edge, but, uh... I'm... I'm gonna be ok.
Elena: I've been really worried about you and I missed you.
Stefan: I just needed to lay low for a little while, and, uh, let my body readjust. _______4________
Elena: It feels like a lifetime.
Stefan: I've missed you, too.
I don't even know how to talk to him anymore. What about you? How are you doing? It's only been a few days.
Elena:他为什么要写个关于吸血鬼的论文呢? 你说他是不是开始恢复记忆了? Stefan: Damon给他永远地抹去了那段记忆。你不必担心。我说你干嘛不直接去问问他? Elena:我... 我做不到 Stefan:为什么做不到? 我是说要是他一无所知。那就只是个... 无关痛痒的问题 anymore: 再也不,不再 Elena:我都不知道该怎么和他交谈了。我们以前都可以对彼此敞开心扉,可现在秘密越滚越多...连我被收养这事我都没告诉他。 Stefan:是时候再次向他敞开心扉了。我不是让你告诉他一切。但你至少该试探一下他到底知道多少以便有所准备。 Elena:那你呢? 你怎么样? Stefan:我好多了。嗯,我... 我还是有点呃... 有点紧张不安,有些焦虑但是... 我肯定会好起来的。jittery: 神经过敏的;战战兢兢的;紧张不安的on edge: 紧张 edge: 边缘 Elena:我真的很担心你,而且很想你。 Stefan:我沉寂了几天让身体重新调整过来,就几天时间而已。 Elena:但对我来说很漫长。 Stefan:我也很想你。