Captain Seru对他们描述了Gog的行为......



  'Did you phone Adai?' Kiah asked.

  'Adai! (1) What can he do?' Rilla said. She felt angry.

  Seru looked at Rilla for a minute. 'Yes, I phoned Adai before I came here. I told him about Zadak and Bel, and about the fires. He asked about you, Kiah. (2) Ship MARS 4 is nearly ready and Gog is watching it. He wants to leave Earth tomorrow.'

  'How can Adai help us?' Rilla asked! ' (3) '

  Captain Seru finished the last sandwich. 'Let's leave that to Adai,' she said. 'We can do nothing.'

  'Are you going to stay here?' Kiah asked.

  'Yes,' Seru answered. 'Adai is coming to the prison after he arrives on Earth.'

  'Oh yes?' Rilla said tiredly. 'But when? Gog can kill us before Adai comes!'

'No, he can't,' Seru's brother said. 'You can stay here, in this room. Gog's guards are all afraid—afraid of the fires, afraid of the people! (4) '

  And so they waited and waited. Rilla slept in her chair. Kiah and Seru talked quietly. Seru's brother came and went. (5) Seven or eight people—some prisoners and some guards—didn't want to run away, so they came into the room and waited, too.


You never stop talking about Adai. He can't come down at Kisangani airport because Gog is there with a lot of his guards. He can't shoot all the guards here. They aren't going to look for you here. Most of the prison guards ran away with the prisoners.
“你给阿岱打电话了吗?”凯问。   “阿岱!你怎么老是说起他,他能干什么呢?”瑞拉非常生气。   塞鲁注视了一阵瑞拉:“是的,我来之前给阿岱打过电话。我告诉了他扎达克和贝尔的事,还有火灾。他还问到你,凯。他不能降落在基桑加尼机场,因为高格在那儿,他还布置了许多士兵。火星4号宇宙飞船已经基本准备就绪,高格正密切关注着它的进展。他想明天离开地球。”   “阿岱怎么帮助我们呢?”瑞拉问,“他也不能把这儿所有的卫兵都打死。”   塞鲁船长吃完了最后一个三明治。“这个问题就留给阿岱吧,”她说,“我们什么也做不了。”   “您准备呆在这儿吗?”凯问。   “是的,”塞鲁说,“阿岱降落在地球上之后就会到这座监狱来的。”   “噢,真的吗?”瑞拉疲惫地说,“可是什么时候呢?阿岱来之前高格可能就把我们杀了。”   “不,他不会,”塞鲁的哥哥说,“你们可以呆在这儿,在这个房间里。高格的卫兵都害怕——怕那些火灾;怕那些人。他们不会到这儿来找你们的。”   于是他们等待着。等了又等。瑞拉蜷在她的椅子里睡着了。凯和塞鲁悄悄地谈着什么。塞鲁的哥哥进来一趟又出去了。监狱里的大部分卫兵都和犯人一起逃走了。只有大约七八个人——包括犯人和卫兵,不愿意逃走,于是也到这个房间里一起等待。