2012-01-19 13:26
Earlier today, BBC renewed SHERLOCK for a 3rd season, and now DEADLINE reports that CBS has ordered a pilot for their own modern day take on Sherlock Holmes.CBS has greenlighted two new pilots, with one of them being a revamp that will place the legendary sleuth in modern-day New York.
CBS TV Studios is working on ELEMENTARY, described as a modern day take of Sherlock Holmes (much like BBC's SHERLOCK), only now Sherlock lives in New York City. Robert Doherty (STAR TREK: VOYAGER, DARK ANGEL) wrote the pilot.
CBS also greenlighted BABY BIG SHOT.BABY BIG SHOT also feels right at home on CBS focusing on a working-class woman who uses her street smarts to compete with her more educated colleagues at a Manhattan law firm.
CBS还为另一部新剧《BABY BIG SHOT》亮起绿灯。这部剧非常适合合家观看的律政剧。故事讲述一位就职于纽约最强的一家律师事务所的白领女性的故事。剧中她利用自己的实战经验与有更高学历更圆滑世故的同事们竞争。