



First World War.
Albert Michelson
Edward Morley

Undaunted—well, [-1-] —Planck turned to other matters.

Planck was often unlucky in life. [---2---] He also had twin daughters whom he [-3-]. One died giving birth. The surviving twin went to look after the baby and fell in love with her sister's husband. They married and two years later she died in childbirth. [---4---] The following year his surviving son was caught in a conspiracy to assassinate Hitler and executed.

We shall turn to these ourselves in a moment, but first we must make a slight (but [-5-]!) detour to Cleveland, Ohio, and an institution then known as the Case School of Applied Science. [---6---]

perhaps mildly daunted His beloved first wife died early, in 1909, and the younger of his two sons was killed in the First World War. adored In 1944, when Planck was 85, an Allied bomb fell on his house and he lost everything, papers, diaries, a lifetime of accumulations. relevant There, in the 1880s, a physicist of early middle years named Albert Michelson, assisted by his friend the chemist Edward Morley, embarked on a series of experiments that produced curious and disturbing results that would have great ramifications for much of what followed.
普朗克没有泄气--哎呀,也许稍稍有点胆怯,开始把注意力转向别的问题。 这方面的事,我们等一会儿再说,先稍稍地(而又恰当地)换个方向,前往俄亥俄州的克利夫兰,去一家当时被称为凯斯实用科学学校的机构。19世纪80年代,那里有一位刚到中年的物理学家,名叫阿尔伯特•迈克尔逊。他在他的朋友化学家爱德华•莫雷的协助之下,进行了一系列试验。那些试验得出了很有意思而又令人吃惊的结果,将对以后的许多事情产生重大的影响。