【节目介绍】:大家好,应沪友要求,《Words & Idioms》开播了。本节目适合各个阶层的人学习。大家只要听写出音频中的例句就可以了,本期一共五个例句。听写不需要打引号,句子间也不用编序号。至于文中听到的所有习惯用语,提交答案之后都可以在译文部分找到。


Pull their socks up and get back in the game. Pull your socks up. I have bad news: our sales were off 18% for the last quarter. So I'm telling you guys -- you have to pull your socks up and get out there and sell more stuff, or you'll be looking for a new job this summer. Wait until you hear my new marketing plan, it'll knock your socks off. Have you seen Jack's sister, who's visiting here from California? She'll knock your socks off: she's the most gorgeous-looking woman I've seen for a long time.
to pull your socks up to knock your socks off 许多美国成语或者习惯用语都是以各种衣服的名称来组成的。比如说,"衬衫"--shirts;"裤子"--pants;"领子"--collars。在今天的「美国习惯用语」时间里,我们要向大家介绍两个由socks,也就是"袜子"这个字组成的习惯用语。1987年在美国开始竞选总统的前夕,民主党候选人哈特说,民主党的党员们应该: 例句-1:Pull their socks up and get back in the game. 把袜子拉起来,这是什么意思?他的意思是民主党的党员应该振作起精神,投入竞选总统的运动中去。另外再举一个例子。比如说有一个篮球队正在参加比赛。比赛已经进入下半场,可是他们一直在失分;队员们也都一个个情绪低落,疲乏不堪,脚上的袜子也已经从膝盖滑到了脚跟。这时候,他们的教练就要求暂停,把队员们叫在一起,然后对他们说: 例句-2:Pull your socks up. 也就是说,你们要振作起来,回到场地去加油干。下面的一个例子是一个大公司的推销部经理在对手下的推销员讲话: 例句-3:I have bad news: our sales were off 18% for the last quarter. So I'm telling you guys -- you have to pull your socks up and get out there and sell more stuff, or you'll be looking for new jobs this summer. 他说:"我有个不好的消息:我们上一季度的销售量下降了18%,所以我告诉你们,你们赶快振作起来到外面去加紧推销。否则,你们今年夏天就要另外找工作了。" ****** 另外一个由socks组成的习惯用语是: knock your socks off. Knock your socks off的意思和pull your socks up完全不同。它的意思是:使人感到非常震惊。下面这个例子是一个老板在对他的推销员说话: 例句-4:Wait until you hear my new marketing plan -- it'll knock you socks off! 他说:"等你们听到我的推销计划时,你们都会大吃一惊的。"也就是说,他的推销计划简直好极了,那些推销员听了会十分惊讶的。 下面是一个大学生在对他的同学说关于他见到的一个女孩: 例句-5:Have you seen Jack's sister, who's here visiting from California? She'll knock your socks off: she's the most gorgeous-looking woman I've seen for a long time. 他说:"你见到了杰克那个从加州来的妹妹吗?我好久没有见到过这样漂亮的女孩了,她简直是美得惊人。"