"No Country for Old Men" by Joel and Ethan Coen was named best film of 2007 by the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures Wednesday in the first major award of the Oscar season.

George Clooney won the best actor award for "Michael Clayton" and Julie Christie won the best actress award for "Away From Her."

The awards can be an early indicator of what to expect for the Academy Awards, the top honors of the film business, which will be presented in February.

沪江小编:本周三,美国国家评论协会奖颁出,《老无所依》(no country for old men)获最佳影片。这部影片讲述的是一座小镇中的兽医卢埃林·摩斯发现了一笔不义之财,他决定将现金神不知鬼不觉地藏起来。尽管他确实有这么做的理由,然而这一念之差,卢埃林将自己推向了一个没办法回头的绝境。这样说起来小编我觉得这部片子好像更应该翻译成“晚节不保”。另外,纪录片《南京》(Nanking)和李安的《色戒》(LUST, CAUTION)均榜上有名。美国国家评论协会奖和广播影评人协会奖、金球奖一起并称“奥斯卡风向标三巨头”,此次《老无所依》拿下最佳影片,无疑在奥斯卡争夺战中占据了有利的位置。
