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Thanksgiving and New Year's.
the Worldwatch Institute
City Harvest

从 'Tis the season… of food waste.开始,含这句。
'Tis the season… of food waste. The richest nations of the world waste some 222 million metric tons of food each year, according to the UN. And, in the US at least, most of that happens between Thanksgiving and New Year's. The holidays mean a tripling in tossed out, perfectly good food—an extra 5 million metric tons of sustenance that could be going to the more than 17 million Americans still going hungry every day. Or the billion people worldwide who don't get enough food. And then there are all the environmental problems caused by the agriculture to produce that food in the first place—from an excess of manure to dead zones caused by fertilizer runoff. To minimize waste, the Worldwatch Institute offers the following tips: go small rather than piling platters high with food or cooking more than anyone can eat. Give the gift of foods that will actually be eaten rather than fruitcake (though, anecdotally, that may be endlessly recycleable). And, most importantly, eat—or donate—your leftovers. If you can't eat it, you can give it to a food rescue organization like City Harvest. Don't waste a chance to help feed the world.
这是一个浪费食物的季节。据联合国消息世界上最富有的国家每年浪费的食物多达两亿两千两百万公吨。至少在美国,大部分的食物浪费发生在感恩节和新年之间。 这些节日意味着平时三倍的极好的食物的产出,比平时多出的五百公吨的食物本可以给每天都在挨饿的170万美国人民,或者是世界上没有足够食物的十亿人民。然后存在的是由生产这些食物的农业带来的环境问题,由肥料过剩到肥料不足的贫瘠地区。 为了将浪费减至最小,世界观察研究所提供了以下几个点:节约行事而不是用食物磊成拼盘或是做超过每个人的食量的食物。派送真正能吃的食物而不是像水果蛋糕之类的。(虽然,有趣的是,那也许可以无止境的循环利用下去) 最重要的一点,把剩下的要么吃了,要么捐出去。如果你吃不了,你可以把食物捐给一个像City Harvest这样的食物救助组织。不要错过任何一个机会来帮着养活这个世界。