无线网络辐射强 或降低男性精子活力

journal Fertility and Sterility

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Working on a laptop wirelessly may hamper a man's chances of fatherhood. In a study, sperm placed under a laptop connected to the internet through wi-fi suffered more damage than that kept at the same temperature but away from the wireless signal. The finding is important because previous worries about laptops causing infertility have focused on the heat generated by the machines. In the latest study, researchers took sperm from 29 men aged 26 to 45 and placed them either under a wi-fi connected laptop or away from the computer. The laptop then uploaded and downloaded information from the internet for four hours. At the end of the experiment, 25% of the sperm under the laptop had stopped moving and 9% showed DNA damage. By comparison, just 14% of samples kept away from the wi-fi stopped moving. And just 3% suffered DNA damage, the journal Fertility and Sterility reports. The wireless connection creates electromagnetic radiation that damages semen, the scientists, from the United States and Argentina, believe.
使用接入无线网络的笔记本电脑可能会造成男性不育。 在一项研究中,放置在开通无线网络的笔记本下面的精子比放在同一温度下但远离无线信号处的精子受损程度更深。 这项发现很重要,因为之前关于笔记本电脑引起不育的矛头都指向电脑产生的热量。 在这项最新研究中,研究者收集了29名年龄在26到45岁之间的男子的精液,并将其分别放在连接无线网络的笔记本电脑下面和远离电脑的地方。 接着,笔记本电脑连续四个小时在网上上传下载信息。 实验结束时,放在笔记本电脑下面的精子中,有25%不再游动,另有9%DNA受损。 而远离电脑的精子中,只有14%不再游动,并且仅有3%出现DNA损伤。这项研究报告发表在《生育与不育》期刊上。 来自美国和阿根廷的科学家认为,无线网络产生的电磁辐射会损害男性精子。