




Kelvin died in 1907. That year also [-1-] the death of Dmitri Mendeleyev. Like Kelvin, his productive work was far behind him, but his declining years were notably less serene. As he aged, Mendeleyev became increasingly [-2-] —he refused to acknowledge the existence of radiation or the electron or anything else much that was new—and difficult. [---3---] In 1955, element 101 was named mendelevium in his honor. "Appropriately," notes Paul Strathern, "it is an unstable element."

Radiation, of course, went on and on, literally and in ways nobody expected. In the early 1900s Pierre Curie began [-4-] radiation sickness—notably dull aches in his bones and [-5-] feelings of malaise—which doubtless would have [-6-] unpleasantly. [---7---]

Marie Curie spent the rest of her life [-8-] in the field, helping to found the [-9-] Radium Institute of the University of Paris in 1914. Despite her two Nobel Prizes, she was never elected to the Academy of Sciences, [---10---] —or at least the old men who ran the academy, which is perhaps another matter.

saw eccentric His final decades were spent mostly storming out of labs and lecture halls all across Europe. to experience clear signs of chronic progressed We shall never know for certain because in 1906 he was fatally run over by a carriage while crossing a Paris street. working with distinction celebrated in large part because after the death of Pierre she conducted an affair with a married physicist that was sufficiently indiscreet to scandalize even the French
开尔文死于1907年。德米特里•门捷列夫也在那年去世。和开尔文一样,他的累累成果将流芳百世,但他的晚年生活显然不大平静。随着人越来越老,门捷列夫变得越来越古怪--他拒不承认放射现象、电子以及许多别的新鲜东西的存在--也越来越难以相处。在最后的几十年里,无论在欧洲什么地方,他大多怒气冲冲地退出实验室和课堂。1955年,第101号元素被命名为钔,作为对他的纪念。"非常恰当,"保罗•斯特拉森认为,"它是一种不稳定的元素。"   当然,放射现象实际上在不停地发生,以谁也估计不到的方式发生。20世纪初,皮埃尔•居里开始出现放射病的明显症状--骨头里隐隐作痛,经常有不舒服的感觉--那些症状本来肯定会不断加剧。但是,我们永远也无法确切知道,因为他1906年在巴黎过马路时被马车撞死了。   玛丽•居里在余生干得很出色,1914年帮助建立了著名的巴黎大学铀研究所。尽管她两次获得诺贝尔奖,但她从来没有当选过科学院院士。在很大程度上,这是因为皮埃尔死了以后,她跟一位有妻室的物理学家发生了暧昧关系。她的行为如此不检点,连法国人都觉得很丢脸--至少掌管科学院的老头儿们觉得很丢脸。当然,这件事也许跟本书不相干了。