【节目介绍】:大家好,应沪友要求,《Words & Idioms》开播了。本节目适合各个阶层的人学习。大家只要听写出音频中的例句就可以了,本期一共四个例句。听写不需要打引号,句子间也不用编序号。至于文中听到的所有习惯用语,提交答案之后都可以在译文部分找到。


Waiter, could you please wrap up the rest of this steak for me ? I'd like to take it home for my dog. We had so much food left over from dinner at the China garden last night that we took enough home in doggy bags to feed the whole family tonight. I would like to have my eggs sunny side up. Miss, I'd like two fried eggs sunny side up and the sausage on the side. Not me. I don't like to see my eggs staring up at me with big yellow eyes. Miss, two fried eggs, over easy and not fried too hard.
请你把这块牛排包起来,我想带回家给我的狗吃。 昨晚我们在汉宫吃饭剩下了好多菜。我们带回家的剩菜就足够我们全家今天晚上再吃一顿的。 我的鸡蛋只要煎一面。 "小姐,我要两个荷包蛋,只要煎一面。另外再加一点香肠。" "我可不要,我不喜欢两个大蛋黄像眼睛那样瞪着我。小姐,我要鸡蛋两面都煎一下,但不要太老。" 文中出现的三个习语: doggy bag sunny side up over easy