

Explorers Club
Bill Hewlett
Palo Alto


The kids in the Explorers Club were encouraged to do projects, and Jobs decided to build a frequency counter, which measures the number of pulses per second in an electronic signal. He needed some parts that HP made, so he picked up the phone and called the CEO. "Back then, people didn’t have unlisted numbers. So I looked up Bill Hewlett in Palo Alto and called him at home. And he answered and chatted with me for 20 minutes. He got me the parts, but he also got me a job in the plant where they made frequency counters." Jobs worked there the summer after his freshman year at Homestead High. "My dad would drive me in the morning and pick me up in the evening." His work mainly consisted of "just putting nuts and bolts on things" on an assembly line. There was some resentment among his fellow line workers toward the pushy kid who had talked his way in by calling the CEO. "I remember telling one of the supervisors, 'I love this stuff, I love this stuff,' and then I asked him what he liked to do best. And he said, 'To fuck, to fuck.'" Jobs had an easier time ingratiating himself with the engineers who worked one floor above. "They served doughnuts and coffee every morning at ten. So I’d go upstairs and hang out with them."
探索者俱乐部的孩子们被鼓励做一些项目,乔布斯决定做一台频数计数器,这是用来测量一个电子信号中每秒钟的脉冲数量的。他需要一些惠普制造的零件,所以他拿起电话打给了惠普的CEO:“那个时候,所有的电话号码都是登记在册的,所以我在电话簿上寻找住在帕罗奥图的比尔•休利特,然后打到了他家。他接了电话并和我聊了20分钟,之后他给了我那些零件,也给了我一份工作,就在他们制造频率计数器的工厂。”乔布斯高中第一年的暑假就在那里工作。“我爸爸早上开车送我去,晚上再把我接回家。” 他的工作主要就是在一条流水线上“安装基本元件”。一部分工友对这个爱出风头的孩子有些不满,因为他是通过给CEO打电话才得到了这份工作的。“我记得我告诉一个监督员:‘我喜欢这玩意儿,我喜欢这玩意儿。’然后我问他最喜欢做什么,他回答说:‘我喜欢鬼混,我喜欢鬼混。’”乔布斯与在楼上工作的工程师们相处甚欢。“每天早上10点,他们那儿都会供应甜甜圈和咖啡。我会跑上楼跟他们混在一起。”