
新手: Novice,
幼稚投资者: Naive 
极度投机者: Super-Speculative
股市泡沫: the current stock market bubble
政策效力: the effectiveness of the policy measures 
主导地位: be dominant (转性)
试错法:a trial-and-error approach
拒绝救助:no salvation
印花税:stamp duty

The same liquidity story that kept the insolvent banks afloat for so many years is being used by some mainland investors as an argument for the sustainability of the current stock market bubble. We think that the effectiveness of the policy measures taken by the authorities to cool the market depends on which type of mainland investor is dominant. The Chinese authorities appear to be taking a trial-and-error approach, which we expect to feature three elements: education for the novice, communication for the naive, and ‘no salvation'for the super-speculative. The Ministry of Finance raised the stamp duty on stock transactions. We view this as yet another communication effort from the authorities to signal their discomfort with the stock market. If the stock market continues to rise as rapidly as it has done in the past few months, we'd expect the authorities to escalate their efforts to cool it off. 
