
Thomas Jefferson;the Declaration of Independence
He described two possible conditions for America. The people could remain unequal citizens under a king, or they could live in an independent country with hopes of liberty and happiness. The Second Continental Congress created a committee to write a document that outlined the colonies’ complaints against the king and explained their decision to separate from Britain. The reasons were based on French and British ideas. Thomas Jefferson was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence told the world of a new nation and its beliefs about human freedom. It argued that political rights are basic human rights and are universal. The Second Continental Congress accepted this document on July 4, 1776. The fourth of July became Independence Day in the United States.
他描述对于美国两个可能的条件。在国王之下这个民族仍有不平等的公民,他们生活在一个独立的国家有着自由和幸福的希望。第二次大陆会议创建一个委员会为了写一份文件关于概述殖民者对于国王的抱怨和解释其决定从英国分离出来。这个原因建立在法国人和英国人的思想上。托马斯 · 杰斐逊是独立宣言的主要作者。独立宣言讲述一个新国家的世界和对于人类自由的信仰。它认为政治权是基础人权并且是通用的。在1776 年 7 月 4 日第二届大陆大会上接受此文档。7月4日成为美国独立日。