Oh dear. You simply must find a bride soon! Yes, I know, father, but I just can't seem to find the right girl. You look tired from such a long journey, son. Why don't you go and lie down. I am really tired. I think I will take a nap.So the prince went to his room to rest. Not long after he fell asleep, he began having the most wonderful dream. In his dream, he was dancing with a beautiful girl and was happier than he had ever been before. Suddenly, he woke up and realized that he had found his bride-to-be. But he wondered who she was and how he would ever find her. He ran downstairs to tell his mother and father the good news.
爸爸:噢,亲爱的,你得赶紧找一个新娘子了。 王子:是的,爸爸我知道。但是我还不知道我该找一个什么样的女孩 爸爸:走了这么长的路程,你看起来挺累的,为什么不去躺下休息一会呢? 王子:我确实有点累,我应该去休息一会了。 王子走向自己的卧室,不一会他就睡着了。进入了梦乡,在梦里自己和一个很漂亮的女孩跳舞,感觉到自己从来没有这么幸福过。突然,他跳起来,好像知道自己未来的王妃是什么样子的了。但自己还是有点迷惑:她是谁呢?我该去哪找到她呢?·····想着想着,他激动地就往楼下跑,他要把这个好消息告诉他的爸爸妈妈。 ——译文来自: xuejinling