
Men's Health

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Back in the 1950s the man was the undisputed family breadwinner. But fast forward 60 years and men today are apparently happy to play second fiddle to their wives when it comes to money. Three-quarters of men now say it is no longer important for them to be the one who earns the most, new research reveals. A study carried out by the US edition of Men's Health magazine claims it marks the death knell for "1950s man". Husbands as depicted in the hit TV show Mad Men apparently no longer exist - 45% of men are now "very willing" to look after the house if their wives earn more. While one in five are already doing so and happily play house husband to their wealthier partners. But there is a price for some - half of men think they have to give up some of their masculinity to become what they considered to be a "nurturing father". Men's Health found that another big change was how men see other men earning less than their wives - nowadays there is less peer pressure than before to be the breadwinner. The magazine's US editor Peter Moore said: "The 50s are over. Father didn't even always know best back then." "So, if one of the things a woman knows best is how to bring in a big income, more power to her - and more money to pay for the holiday trip to Aruba." He added that men who are stuck in the daily grind look at their colleagues who are at home with their family and think: "Dude, you’re a kept man. Congratulations!" Some of the other figures in the study suggested that old fashioned ideas of being a man had not gone away entirely. Some 89% agree that protecting your family is a vital characteristic of being a man today. Only 29% strongly agree that it’s OK to cry as a man.
在20世纪50年代,男人是无可争议的养家人。 然而在60年后的今天,男人却似乎很愿意在养家大任上担任妻子的副手。 新调查揭示,现在四分之三的英国男性认为家里谁挣得更多对他们而言已不再重要。 《男士健康》杂志美国版开展的调查称,这标志着20世纪50年代男人形象的终结。 热门电视剧《广告狂人》中描绘的丈夫们显然已不再存在,现在有45%的男性表示,如果妻子挣得更多,他们将“非常愿意”待在家中做家事。 有五分之一的英国男性已经开心地为收入更高的另一半做起了“家庭煮夫”。 但某些人也因此付出了代价——半数英国男性认为他们为了成为合格的“奶爸”,不得不丢掉一些男性特征。 《男士健康》发现,男人们对其他收入不如妻子的男人的看法也发生了重大变化。如今没有那么多来自同辈的压力来逼迫男人去承担家庭生计。 该杂志的美国版编辑皮特•摩尔说:“50年代结束了。就算是在那个时候父亲也不总是什么都懂。” “所以,如果女人最擅长的一件事就是赚大钱,那么她就能获得更多权力,还能为阿鲁巴度假之旅支付更多钱。” 他还说,那些身陷单调的日常公务的男人们如果看见同事和家人一起待在家中,会想:“老兄,你就是个吃软饭的。祝贺你咯!” 调查中的其他一些数据显示,作为男人的老派观念并没有完全被抛弃。 大约89%的人一致认为,现在作为一个男人,至关重要的就是要保护好家人。只有29%的人强烈同意男人也可以哭泣。