本文选自雅思听力Section 2,难度一般


the Biscentennial Park
The Tower


I'll start today with some general background information. There used to be a lot of factories in this area until the 1960s. Creating the park required the demolition of lots of derelict buildings on the site, so most of the exciting park space all around you was originally warehouses and storehouses. The idea of building a public park here was first discussed when a property developer proposed a high-rise housing development, but the local community wasn't happy. If the land was to be cleaned up, they wanted to use the site for recreation. Residents wanted open space for outdoor activities, rather than housing or even an indoor sports complex. Now to the Biscentennial Park itself. It has two areas, a nature reserve and a formal park with man-made features and gardens. The tall blue-and-white building in front of us is called The Tower and is the centre point for the formal gardens. It stands 12 metres high, so follow me up the stairs to where we can take advantage of the fantastic views.
首先,我想为大家回顾一些背景知识。在上世纪60年代以前,这一带有很多的工厂。要想建造一个公园的话,就得把这里的破旧的房子拆除掉。而这个公园里现在这里最棒的部分以往就是货仓或者仓库。 早期有不动产开发商提出在这里建造高层住宅项目,但是这里的民众并不愿意,他们希望这一片被清理干净后,能改造成一个供大家消遣的地方。居民们更想有一个进行室外活动的开放场所,而不是一些房子,抑或是室内运动场所。于是建造一个公园的想法就被提上了日程。 思路回到Biscentennial公园。这个公园有两部分组成:一个自然保留区,以及一个有人造景观及花园的正式公园。在我们面前的这座高大的蓝白相间的塔就这个正式公园的中心。它有12米高。请大家跟上我的脚步上楼梯,到可以享受这些美景的地方去。 ——译文来自: lambert_jo