V你什么时候也变得这样了呢? 为了获得演讲权 你都做了些什么? as you B,欺骗深爱自己的人仍然理直气壮 那如果C也知道了呢? 噢 女士们 游戏结束了 感谢你们的表演 回去反思下自己都做了什么吧


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B:Everything. Generations of breeding and wealth had to come together to produce me. __1__ And granted, you may be popular at some step-ivy safety school, but the fact is, the rabble is still rabble, and they need a queen.
B:I was willing to do what was necessary,__3__ Now if you'll excuse me, I have to give my toast.
V:Actually, Blair... __4__

TIPS: Marie Antoinette
ps:【绯闻女孩】出节目单啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ 欢迎大家订阅~
I have more in common with Marie Antoinette than with you. You stole the toast. including lying to Chuck, the one person who trusts me more than anyone. congratulations, you just did.
B:全部 家族的教养和财富 精华汇聚一身 成就了我 相对于你 我和玛丽·安东妮特有更多的共同点 我承认 在这二等学校里 你确实人缘不错 但事实上 乌合之众只能是乌合之众 他们需要女王的领导 V:你偷了我的致辞 B:我乐于做必要的事 包括跟恰克撒谎 即使他比任何人都信任我 抱歉我得走了 我得去致辞了 V:事实上 布莱尔 恭喜你 你的致辞已经发布了