原文标题:Christmas arrives early in Yiwu
官网日期:11-25-2011 14:16 BJT

Mike Wang, CCTV


There is still a month left to go before Christmas, but the Chinese city of Yiwu is already getting into festive mood. Yiwu remembers as well as the world's biggest wholesale market for Christmas paraphernalia with its Christmas trees, holiday decorations even stockings for Santa. Buyers from all over the global are stocking up, to try to meet increasing demand. It was the month before Christmas and the festive season in the Chinese trade hub of Yiwu in Zhejiang Province, is already underway. This month's hustle and bustle is actually the second wave of buyers, after an earlier boom in September. According to vendors in the city, that's largely thanks to demand from the domestic market. This year, buyers from all over China are spilling into Yiwu -- including some less-metropolitan provinces like Hunan, Shannxi and Henan. And they've come to replenish their stockpiles, having sold out of what they'd previously bought. An industry insider says domestic orders have increased by over 20% this year, compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, Yiwu’s exporters are also doing well, especially considering the gloomy global outlook. Sales of Christmas products from Yiwu account for 55% of the entire world market. This year, sales of more expensive Christmas decorations have taken a dip. But Yiwu has remained relatively insulated, because the products offered are targeted for middle and lower-income consumers. Yiwu is the biggest-export region in the world, with more than half of the global market when it comes to Christmas-related products. Increasing demand from both the domestic and overseas markets, is pushing more and more vendors to improve their businesses, and reap the rewards. Mike Wang, CCTV.
距离圣诞节还有一个月的时间,而中国的义乌早已洋溢起圣诞气氛。义乌是全球最大的圣诞用品批发市场,从圣诞树到节日饰物到圣诞袜应有尽有。各地商家纷纷前来进货,好应对不断增长的市场需求。 虽然下个月圣诞才到来,但浙江义乌这一大商贸中心早已进入了节日销售旺季。本月的热闹繁忙是继九月后的第二波销售潮。据该市商贩称,这很大程度上得益于国内的市场需求。今年,全国各地的买家都纷纷涌入义乌,当中包括从湖南、陕西、河南等中小型城市前来的。由于早前进的货早已一售而空,大家又补货来了。 业内人士称,和去年相比今年国内的订单增加了20%。同时,义乌商品的出口情况也相当可观,尤其是在全球经济萎靡这一环境下来看。义乌的圣诞商品销售在全球市场占有55%的比例。今年,部分圣诞饰物有所涨价,不过义乌市场不会有波动,因为义乌的商品主要面向中低层收入的消费者。 义乌也是全球最大的出口区域,其圣诞相关产品在全球占有一半以上的市场。随着国内外市场需求的不断增长,商贩们的生意越来越红火,财源广进。