

What's wrong with your phone, John? I tried to call you all night last night. I'm sorry. No one was able to get through yesterday. My telephone was disconnected by the phone company. Jack, can you do the dishes tonight? I'm very tired. Can't we just put them in the dish-washer? I've had a very bad day, too! I just want to kick back and relax. My boss is unreasonable. He just yelled at me just because I made a few more copies. Well, maybe you should think in his position. The company is losing money, and he is under great pressure. Hey, you look concerned. What's on your mind? The final exam. I'm not fully prepared yet. Even if there are three days to go, I still don't think there's enough time left.
你的电话怎么了John?我昨晚试着跟你联系了一晚上。 抱歉,昨天谁也没法联系到我。我的电话被电话公司停机了。 Jack,今晚你能洗盘子么?我太累了。 咱不能把盘子都扔到洗碗机里么?我今天也很糟糕!我只想早点回来休息。 我的老板真是不讲理,刚才仅仅因为我多复印的多了些他就对我大喊警告。 也许你应该在他的位置上想想,公司正在亏损,并且他正顶着巨大的压力。 嗨,你看起来很不安,你在想什么? 期末考试,我还没有准备充分,即使再过三天,我依然觉得不够用。 ——译文来自: ralch