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Ibok Oduro
Seeding Labs
Novartis Pharmaceutical Labs
Nina Dudnik
Ellis Owusu-Dabo
Kumasi Centre
Collaborative Research
"In the university, we are training their hearts, their mind and their hand, and so these three key areas must be touched. We can train their minds. We are training their heart. But we must also train their hands. And I think the equipment can do that." Oduro spent the summer in Boston as part of a new program set up by Seeding Labs. More than just sending equipment out to the developing world, Dudnik started bringing scientists over to the U.S. Ibok Oduro and eight other Seeding Labs fellows spent their summer at state-of-the-art facilities across Boston, like here at the Novartis Pharmaceutical Labs in Cambridge. Nina Dudnik believes even though the equipment's absolutely essential, sharing ideas is what science is really about. "How you asked the question is so much more important than how fancy the tool is that you have to answer it." Ellis Owusu-Dabo runs a tuberculosis lab in Ghana at the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research. "When you go back to Ghana next week, what's on your agenda?" "You have no idea. It is to continue, continue, continue and not wane until we see what we want to see, which is good science with good outcomes that we can all be proud of." Which is exactly what Seeding Labs is aiming for, whether it's helping science tackle problems like disease and hunger or helping researchers in the developing world become part of the global scientific community.