原文标题:Police sweep protesters from NY park
官网日期:11-16-2011 08:55 BJT

Occupy Wall Street
New York City
1 a.m.
Zuccotti Park
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly
4:30 a.m.


Hundreds of police officers in riot gear raided the Occupy Wall Street encampment in New York City in the early morning hours on Tuesday. They evicted hundreds of demonstrators and demolished the tent city that was the epicenter of a movement protesting against what participants call corporate greed and economic inequality. The police action began around 1 a.m. local time and lasted for several hours, as officers with batons and plastic shields pushed the protesters from their base at Zuccotti Park. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said about 200 people were arrested. By 4:30 a.m., the park was empty, wiped clean of any traces of the camp that had been there since September 17th. One person was taken to a hospital with breathing difficulties.
本周二(15日)凌晨,纽约警方出动数以百计全副武装的防暴警察,突袭了“占领华尔街”运动的大本营(祖科蒂公园)。 纽约警方驱逐已在那里安营扎寨的抗议者,并清理当地矛头直指华尔街的贪婪和财富分配不公的抗议者的营地--搭设的帐篷。 当地时间11月15日凌晨1点左右开始,警方手拿警棍和塑料盾牌历时几小时强制驱走在祖科蒂公园的抗议者。警察局局长雷蒙·凯利称,约200人在此次清理活动中被捕。 到凌晨 4:30 ,祖科蒂公园空无一人,自9月17日开始的大本营的痕迹清场完毕。(在此次强制清场中)其中一名抗议者因呼吸困难被送往医院。