Her first child hasn't even arrived yet, but it looks like Hilary Duff did enough grocery shopping for a family of two point four children.The former Disney beauty, who found fame as Lizzie McGuire, teamed her casual top with baggy blue tracksuit trousers and a pair of Ugg boots - but added a feminine touch with large hoop earrings.

As she pushed her trolley towards her car in the parking lot, Hilary transported at least six carrier bags, one of which included a family packet of Doritos crisps.

During a recent interview with E!, Hilary said she felt so lucky to have had 'an easy pregnancy'.She said: 'I'm starting to feel the baby move and getting those little kicks.It's really exciting to think about the future - and also a little scary.’ 'We're giddy when we daydream about it and think what our child is going to look like, and the little personality it's going to have.'

Hilary confirmed the baby's sex on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in October, revealing: 'I haven't told anyone yet. I wanted to tell you first. I found out it's a boy! I had a feeling it was a boy the whole time.'