
(点我来听 Forver Young,俺是永远年轻滴牛牛!咔咔!)

我最关注的还是和我同行的人,搞IT(information technology)的呗~~于是,各种重磅八卦出炉了。果壳网创始人兼CEO(the founder and CEO of )姬十三高调征婚,那一句“这是我最好的时候,来遇见你”很让人动心啊,弄得我也忍不住想发个邮件去应征啊,但接着看他的要求,第一条 就让我很受伤啊“外貌:符合xx且貌美……对不起,我等了那么多年,真的是对外貌有点要求的。其实,80分以上就好……虽然说这见仁见智,但如果最近几年 没人夸过你漂亮的话,那抱歉了……”。SHIT,哼!

李开复老师创新工场的合伙创始人(the cofounder of Innovation Works)王肇辉高调在微博上宣布于神棍节登记结婚(be married at a registry),新娘是华谊公司的商务拓展经理陈莎,好吧,又少了一个IT单身精英男,此条微博得到了粉丝数极其庞大的李冰冰和李开复的转发(be forwarded by Li Bingbing and Li Kaifu both with massive fans),连开复老师也不禁感叹“近2000万粉丝观看,确实责任重大(with great responsibilities)”。

话说其实我在IT界非常喜欢Facebook的几个创始人啊。大家最熟悉的是扎克伯格(Facebook CEO and 26-year-old billionaire,Facebook的CEO、26岁的亿万富翁啊,闪亮,有木有,还是1984年生的哟),他各种有才就不多说了~~~但和他一起创立Facebook的克里斯.休斯(Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes),童鞋们知道否?这是个牛牛超级佩服、觉得活得超帅超有型超洒脱超让人赞的帅哥,噗噗——他也是就读于哈佛(Harvard)、和扎克伯格以及莫斯科威茨一起创立了Facebook;他大方出柜(come out of the closet),宣布订婚(announce his engagement to long-term boyfriend, Sean Eldridge),并称想和男友等到同性恋婚姻在纽约合法后结婚(hope to wait until gay marriage is legal in New York to tie the knot);他在Facebook蓬勃发展时向扎克伯格提出辞职,“马克,我要暂时离开公司,去帮助一位叫奥巴马的新晋参议员竞选美国总统,请相信如果不是我和他的政治理念不谋而合——我们都相信个人的力量,相信自己是推动变革的动力,我绝不会在这时决定退出。再次致歉。克里斯.休斯”;他后来开辟了美国总统选举史上社交竞选的新篇章,看这个杂志封面把他称为“the kid who made Obama President”(让奥巴马成为总统的小孩)”,绝对地霸气外露啊,有木有;他随后又创立了慈善网站Jumo,那么有爱,有木有!这么一个完美的帅哥,有木有啊!口水……希望他幸福快乐哟~

 好,继续说回扎克伯格,真正让我觉得这男人很不错的是看到他有一个长相很普通的华裔女友啊,当时忍不住惊呼“真是个好男人,看重的是内在啊”。而且知道 他和女朋友是在2002年他读哈佛的时候就认识了,2003年11月7日起正式约会至今(have been officially dating since November 7, 2003,我把这日子记那么牢干吗,汗……),恋爱中啊(in a relationship),非常认真的恋爱啊(in a serious relationship),有木有!刚刚过了8周年啊!羡慕嫉妒,没有恨,只有祝福啊!不过扎克伯格在Facebook个人主页上从来没有正式承认过 啊,直到今年3月20日,他终于把自己的恋爱状态改成了“恋爱中”啊(finally change his relationship status to "in a relationship"),还加了条评论啊(add a comment),“稍微延期了点”(slightly overdue),很可爱啊,有木有!终于在Facebook上官方发布了啊(make it "Facebook official")!真心祝福他们8周年恋爱愉快啊!插播:和那种不是美女不入眼的征婚者完全不一样啊(活该他单身)!好吧,我这是酸葡萄心理(the psychology of “sour grapes”),谁让我不是美女特其貌不扬呢,还是预祝13叔叔征婚成功。不过更要祝懂得内在美的扎克伯格幸福哟,也希望有一天能在中国自由登陆非死不可。

最后写这个专栏真的很开心很快乐,和大家分享一段李开复老师在微博上发的约翰.列侬的话,相信不用翻译大家也都看得懂“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life(生活的关键). When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment(作业), and I told them they didn't understand life. -- John Lennon." 希望每个人都能快乐,快乐地生活快乐地工作,我一直相信“生活第一,快乐第一,事业第二”,而最好的事业不是别人有多羡慕你或者薪水有多优越,而是那个你真心热爱、能让你真正快乐、能让你的生活与事业合二为一、每天都乐此不彼充满期待和干劲的、一份想做一辈子的活!


(事实证明老外是不知道guokr念果壳滴!)  the founder and CEO of  果壳网创始人兼CEO

the cofounder of Innovation Works  创新工场合伙创始人

be married at a registry  登记结婚

be forwarded by Li Bingbing and Li Kaifu both with massive fans  得到了粉丝数极其庞大的李冰冰和李开复的转发

with great responsibilities  责任重大

Facebook CEO and 26-year-old billionaire  Facebook的CEO、26岁的亿万富翁

Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes  Facebook联合创始人克里斯.休斯

come out of the closet  出柜

announce his engagement to long-term boyfriend  宣布和交往时间很长的男友订婚

hope to wait until gay marriage is legal in New York to tie the knot  等到同性恋婚姻在纽约合法后结婚

the kid who made Obama President  让奥巴马成为总统的小孩

have been officially dating since November 7, 2003  2003年11月7日起正式约会至今

in a relationship  恋爱中

in a serious relationship  认真地恋爱中

finally change his relationship status to "in a relationship"  终于把自己的恋爱状态改成了“恋爱中”

add a comment  加了条评论

slightly overdue  稍微延期了点

make it "Facebook official"  终于在Facebook上官方发布了

the psychology of “sour grapes”  酸葡萄心理


1. Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes announced his engagement to long-term boyfriend, Sean Eldridge, the New York Post reported Saturday. Hughes and Eldridge hope to wait until gay marriage is legal in New York to tie the knot.

2. Facebook CEO and 26-year-old billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg, has been in a relationship with girlfriend Priscilla Chan since his Harvard days, but it was never made "Facebook official". On Sunday he finally changed his relationship status to "in a relationship" adding the comment, "slightly overdue."



    gay marriage | come out (of the closet) | in a relationship | Facebook cofounder | tie the knot

1. Actress Eva Amurri - whose father is Italian director Franco Amurri - ________ with soccer commentator Kyle Martino in Charleston, South Carolina yesterday.

2. Actor Zachary Quinto, known for portraying Spock in the 2009 blockbuster film "Star Trek," has publicly __________ as a gay man.

3. However, Brad, 47, and Angelina, 36, have always maintained they would not wed until __________ is made legal throughout the U.S. He said: "We live in this great country that is about freedom. It is defined by our freedom and equality and yet we allow this discrimination to go on every day and that's not what we're about."


1. Actress Eva Amurri - whose father is Italian director Franco Amurri - ____tied the knot____ with soccer commentator Kyle Martino in Charleston, South Carolina yesterday.
意大利导演 Franco Amurri 之女女演员 Eva Amurri 昨天在南卡莱罗纳州的查尔斯顿与足球评论员 Kyle Martino 喜结连理~撒花~祝幸福~

2. Actor Zachary Quinto, known for portraying Spock in the 2009 blockbuster film "Star Trek," has publicly ___come out (of the closet)_______ as a gay man.
男演员 Zachary Quinto 因在 2009 年大片《星际迷航》中饰演 Spock 而出名,现在他已经公开出柜承认自己的同性恋身份。

3. However, Brad, 47, and Angelina, 36, have always maintained they would not wed until ____gay marriage______ is made legal throughout the U.S. He said: "We live in this great country that is about freedom. It is defined by our freedom and equality and yet we allow this discrimination to go on every day and that's not what we're about."
然而 47 岁的布拉德和 36 岁的安吉丽娜一直坚持直到同性恋婚姻在全美变为合法,他们才会成婚。他表示:“我们生活在这个自由的伟大国度。它由自由和平等构成,然而我们却允许这样的歧视每天都在延续。这并不是我们这个国家的精神所在。”