
Vladimir Putin
Erich Schmidt-Eenboom
East German

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Vladimir Putin has been accused of being a wife-beater and philanderer by German spies. The Russian prime minister allegedly had several affairs while he was himself a spy in Dresden in the late 80s. Files from West German spy agency BND published in the German media claim an interpreter agent befriended Putin's wife Lyudmila, who poured her heart out about her marriage. She allegedly told the agent that her husband used "domestic violence and had numerous sexual affairs". Putin, 59, a former Russian president who is expected to return to power next year, headed Soviet intelligence operations in the East German city from 1985 to 1990. The files were discovered by BND expert Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, author of several books and papers on the spy agency. Bild, Germany's biggest paper, said: "The report gives added nourishment to the rumour that Putin left in his black Volga limousine in the spring of 1990 allegedly leaving an illegitimate baby behind."
德国情报机构近日披露,俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔•普京曾殴打妻子,还在外寻花问柳。 据称,普京在上世纪80年代在德雷斯顿任特工期间,曾有过好几段婚外情。 德国媒体近日披露的来自德国联邦情报局的文件称,普京曾与一名以口译员身份为掩护的特工有过婚外情。这名特工和普京的妻子柳德米拉是朋友,还经常听后者哭诉婚姻不幸。 据称,柳德米拉向她诉苦说,普京经常对她“动用家暴,还四处寻花问柳”。 1985年至1990年,普京在东德的德雷斯顿,负责前苏联的情报工作。俄罗斯前总统普京现年59岁,预计将于明年重返总统宝座。 德国联邦情报局专家埃里希·施密特-伊恩波恩发现了这份文件。他曾发表过不少有关情报机构的著作和文章。 德国最大的报纸《图片报》报道说:“有传闻称,1990年春天,普京在自己的黑色伏尔加豪华轿车里与一女子发生了一段露水情缘,还留下了一个私生子,这份报告更加印证了这一点。”