
Steve Jobs
John lennon
iPod iPhone iPad
How Steve Jobs Changed the World
He changed our lives. Steve Jobs had a vision. Like the world lost a John lennon. He demanded perfection. He could rip into people be tough to work for. And led a technological revolution. The personal computer. A light bulb goes off and he says, wow, I can put computers on every desktop. The iPod. When they first came out people were like. Oh, my god, they're so sleek, so sexy. It was new and small. I had to have it. The iPhone. I have an iPhone, which is an extension of me, and I love using it. I was able to read text messages and send them. The iPad. People didn't know, they wanted it or needed it, and turns out they did. It's kind of like, well, we're gonna make a portable music player. I need that. We're going to make a phone. I need that. We're going to make a toaster. I need that! iGenius. How Steve Jobs Changed the World.
他改变了我们的生活。 史蒂夫 乔布斯很有远见。 这世界像失去了另一位约翰 列侬。 他追求完美。 他对员工不留情面,为他工作绝非易事。 他发起了一场技术革命。 最初是个人电脑。 他灵光一现,便说,我要让电脑进入寻常百姓家。 紧接着是ipod。 刚面世的时候,人们都惊呼不止。 赞叹其时尚性感的外观。 它们小巧新颖。 我必须要买一台。 然后是iphone。 我的iPhone就像是我身体的一部分,使用它是种享受。 我能用它语音收发信息 接着是iPad。 人们并不知道,自己想要或需要它。 最后发现自己离不开它。 反正就是,我们要生产便携式音乐播放器。 我需要。 我们要生产手机。 我也需要。 我们要生产烤面包机。 我还是需要。 天才。史蒂夫 乔布斯是如何改变这个世界的。