场景背景介绍 一位女士在一个小型研讨会中向听众介绍在纳米比亚考古的初步研究结果。在纳米比亚的石刻艺术中最著名的是石刻画和石雕。现代人对这些物件的理解是古纳米亚人会利用这些图画对孩子进行简单的数学,但依然有许多的谜团和奇异的现象是不能够被解释的。这些考古遗迹被开发后还遇到了非常大的问题——人为破坏。演讲者向听众提出了一些要求,说明参观时的注意事项,这样才能更好地保护这些文化遗产。


In Namibia there are both paintings and engravings, that's where the surface of the rock is cut out. Many of the engravings show footprints of animals and most scholars used to think that the purpose of these was simple and obvious. This rock art was like a school book with pictures to teach children about tracks, which track belonged to which animal, giraffe, lion and so on. But there were some mysteries. First, when you look at a typical Namibian painting or engraving, you see the tracks are repeated, there are dozens of tracks for the same animal. You'd expect just one clear illustration if the reason, the aim, was to teach tracking. Now there were two more problems. Why are some of the engravings of animals very accurate as you'd expect, all clearly identifiable, and others quite unrealistic? And another mystery, some of these unrealistic animals, that's in the engravings, seem to be half human. Some, for example, have got human faces. Many researchers now think that these were pictures the wise men engraved of themselves. They believed they could use magic to control the animals they had drawn, so the hunters could then catch them for food.