原文标题:Shenzhou-8 completes first change of orbit
官网日期:11-02-2011 14:52 BJT

Stanly Li
Stanly Li, CCTV



China's unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou-8 has carried out its first maneuver since its launch on Tuesday morning. Stanly Li has more. Shenzhou-8 has completed its first stage of orbit, less than a day after launching. Multiple changes of orbit are still to come as the unmanned spacecraft prepares to dock with Tiangong-1. Engineers on the ground are working hard to set the stage for docking. "For us now it is all about preparing for the space docking. We are making calculations and monitoring of the orbit of both of the spacecrafts." The margin for error in docking the two spacecraft is 20 centimeters. The procedure is set to take place early Thursday morning, when cameras onboard will capture this historic moment. "The footage captured by the cameras will be very important to us. From them we can actually see the Tiangong-1 drawing near in the docking. Cameras outside the cabin will also record various details." The rendezvous and docking exercises between the two vessels will be an important test of China's ability to master the technology required to run a full space lab that can house astronauts for long stretches. If the docking is successful, it will yield valuable experience for Shenzhou-9 and Shenzhou-10, set for launch in 2012, and a great boon to China's plans to build its own orbital space station. Stanly Li, CCTV.
周二凌晨(11月1日)中国“神州八号”无人飞船发射升空,来自LI STANLY的更多报道: “神州八号”在发射后一天内完成了第一阶段的轨道飞行。”神州八号“仍将进行多次变轨来实现与天宫一号交会对接。地面工程师们正为此次交会对接工作不断努力。 “对我们来说,所有的一些都是为对接工作做准备。我们正在对'神州八号'与'天空一号'的轨道进行计算和监测。” “神州八号”与“天宫一号”对接(横向相对)误差不能超过20厘米。在周四凌晨,装载在“神州八号”(四台)相机将捕捉到对接这一历史时刻。 “相机捕捉到的画面对我们极其重要。我们可以看到“天空一号”离我们对接越来越近。舱外相机也会记录各种(对接)细节。” “神州八号”与“天宫”对接试验对中国来说意义重大,它将表明中国是否具备了建立能让宇航员长时间呆的空间实验室的技术能力。 假如对接成功,将对2012年“神州九号”和“神州十号”的发射提供很多宝贵的经验,同时也将有助于中国轨道空间站的建设。 CCTV Stanly Li 报道