

October 25th-27th
the Pella Branch of American Association of University of Women
When they go door to door after school on October 25th-27th this year, the children and the members of the Pella Branch of American Association of University of Women, the sponsoring agent for this event, hope that townspeople will remember how excited they felt when collecting money for UNCIEF and will be generous with their pennies and dollars bills. The traditional one day of collecting has been extended to three days in order that children will have more opportunity to find people at home. For most children in the US, "Trick and Treat for UNCIEF" provides them with first experience of volunteerism. They learn the importance of the money they collect. Seven cents can buy pens for a class; $1 can give a child injecting against flu; $10 can buy biscuits for a month for three children; and $150 can provide clean water for a whole village.