原文标题:Chinese civilian NGOs seek charity legislation
官网日期:08-01-2011 08:54 BJT

Wang Yizhi
Huang Rufang



Also grass-roots NGOs are trying to open up their own financial affairs. But lack of legislation there also is forcing them to rely on self-regulation and make it difficult to earn public trust. Some civilian charity say they're calling for new laws, as Wang Yizhi explains. Second-hand furniture, a borrowed electric projector, a flower pot made from an ice cream cup, China-Dolls are not lavish with their spending. During the past three years, this grass-roots NGO, has been helping to educate children with brittle bone disease, as well as arranging therapy and medical funding. "We receive donations mostly from individuals - small amounts from ten to 1,000 Yuan. We send out emails to each and every donor, no matter how small, telling them where their money is being spent. Since our establishment, we've published monthly, half yearly and annual funding reports on our website. As of this year, we are publicizing our detailed earning and spending reports." Recent public skepticism towards charity foundations has affected the industry's credibility. Huang Rufang says convincing the public to donate is becoming difficult. "The biggest problem comes from people's lack of knowledge. For example, very often, potential donors call us and ask whether we are volunteers or paid staff. I say we are paid staff. Then they decide not to give their money." Huang Rufang says he and his colleagues are hoping for new regulations to end public misunderstanding of charity organizations. Huang says it must be seen as a profession, not a passion. Tough regulations will help earn public trust, as well as attracting more people to work for charities. "Sometimes I'm embarrassed to tell my former classmates I work for a charity. I think any potential regulations should protect the legitimate status of those working in the sector. It should regulate the industry, and standardize and equalize the role of official and civilian charities. All information should be transparent."
除官方慈善机构之外,以草根出生的民间非政府组织也寻求建立自己的财务机制。但因缺乏相应的法律法规,该机构完全依靠自我监管,导致很难获得公众的信任。因此一些民间非政府慈善机构要求颁布新法律。 家具是二手的,投影机是借的,花瓶是用冰淇淋杯子做的。中国瓷娃娃关怀协会不会乱花他们的开支。(中国瓷娃娃关怀协会:一个为成骨不全症(脆骨病)病人提供社会服务的民间公益组织)在过去的3年里,该草根民间非政府组织一直帮助脆骨病的孩子接受教育,并安排他们进行治疗和提供医疗资金。 “我们得到的捐赠主要是来自个人,如小额的10元到1000元。但无论金额大小,我们都会以邮件的形式告知每个捐赠人和单位该笔资金的去向。自从建立网站之后,我们还以月、半年、一年为单位在网站上进行发布。这些年,我们一直向公众公开我们的详细收入和支出。” 因近来政府性的慈善机构的可信度受到公众质疑,黄如方表示,现说服公众捐赠变得更加困难。 “我觉得最大的问题是公众缺乏对慈善机构的认知。比如,我们常被捐赠人问及,'你们是公益的还是拿工资的?'当我们回答是拿工资时,他们就不愿进行捐赠。 “ 黄如方和他的同事希望能出台新的法规来结束公众对该类慈善机构的误解。他还说这需要的是实际执行力,而不是仅凭一腔热情。 同时还希望新法规在提高公众对该类慈善机构的认可度之外,还能吸引更多的人加入慈善工作中来。 “有些时候,我都很难和我的同学去讲我是从事慈善机构的。我认为应当出台一些潜在的法律法规来保护这行业的从业人员的合法地位。并应当规范官方慈善机构和民间慈善机构的市场,使其标准化,均衡化发展。此外,所有信息必须做到透明化。”