
Paul Wilson: I think that the public opinion of nuclear energy has been steadily increasing for the last decade. [---1---]

You are listening to Paul Wilson, nuclear scientist at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. [---2---]

Paul Wilson: [---3---]

Wilson said he believes that what nuclear power plants do emit – spent nuclear fuel – is compact and contained.

Paul Wilson: Spent nuclear fuel stays where you put it. [---4---]

We asked Wilson about the concern that more nuclear energy would mean more nuclear weapons.

Paul Wilson: Most commercial nuclear power systems are very difficult to turn into military nuclear power systems. And so, there's a lot of different techniques we can use to avoid that.


For more on both sides of the nuclear issue come to our website.I'm Deborah Byrd. EarthSky is a clear voice for science. We're at

And one of the major reasons for that is concern about global climate change, and the recognition that nuclear energy has a big role to play in mitigating and reducing the amount of greenhouse gases we emit. Wilson is one scientist who believes that nuclear power is a proven means to supply the growing demand for clean energy. I think we need to have nuclear energy as a big option in our energy future because it has no direct emissions of greenhouse gases. You can put it somewhere, and you can watch it, and you can keep it there without very much effort what so ever. He said those techniques include both advanced technology and political diplomacy.