史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是苹果公司的前任首席运行官兼创办人之一,2009年被财富杂志评选为这十年美国最佳CEO,同年当选时代周刊年度风云人物之一。2011年8月24日,原首席执行官,乔布斯辞去CEO,不过仍担任董事会主席。



P.S. 答案可能会有某些地方听不太清楚,可能会有错误,希望大家多多指出,感谢感谢

Alright. And then my concern is last time I forgot to ask Terri about the safety issue. Because you know you have only one building and have so many people there. So all the safety will be put into consideration like fire and everything. Oh, of course. We spend a ton of time identifying and hiring who we think are best people in the world and doing what we do. The last thing we want is for anybody to get hurt. Okay, yeah, of course, we're gonna. I mean the whole building has to be designed with pretty precise requirements for safety. But we'll do beyond those. Sure, and then the second question is because the increase of the employment, the resident is concerned also about the traffic. So, do you have any plan to deviate the traffic? Well, we're not increasing the employment by much . You're not? No. Okay. It's by like 20%. So we're not increasing it by much.
我比较关心这么多人的安全问题,因为你想啊,这么多人在一栋楼里,发生个火灾什么的,如何保障他们的安全? 我们考虑过这个问题,我们物色最顶级的建筑团队,绝对不想看到任何人受伤。绝对不!设计制造的整个过程都要高标准严要求,不求最好,但求更好。 好的,第二个问题,随着员工的增长,堵车在所难免,那要怎么办呢? 我们没有那么大的招聘计划, 没有吗? 没有 好吧 最多增长个20%,不会堵车的。