

I really feel exhausted after many meetings about quarterly marketing target. The marketing data makes me sick. Why not play badminton or tennis to relax yourself after work? I'm calling to ask for a leave. My wife will perform an operation this afternoon while her brother had an accident in the school. I have to take care of him. I'm sorry to hear that. But I don't know how to explain it to my leader. What can I help you? Many new products about body checkup appear in our shelves. Thank you still, but I want to purchase a book about health insurance. Could you show me some with discount? You can imagine! We can enjoy the beauty of all scenery in this trip. And the fine food would be ready for us in this five-star restaurant. That sounds great! I give up fishing with my father.
几次季度销售目标会议下来,我疲惫不堪,那些营销数据让我感到恶心想吐。 你为什么不去打羽毛球或网球以在工作之余放松一下呢? 我打电话来想请个假。我妻子今天下午要做手术,然而她弟弟在学校发生了场意外,因此我得去照顾弟弟。 很抱歉听到这样的消息。但是我不知道该怎样给领导解释啊! 我能为你做什么吗?我们正好有一些关于身体检查的书籍上架。 谢谢!但是我想要买一本关于健康保险的,你能告诉我哪些打折吗? 你可以想象嘛!参加这次旅行,我们不仅可以欣赏美丽的风景,而且还可以去五星级酒店就餐。 听起来真棒!我不打算和爸爸去钓鱼了。 ——译文来自: 宋蝶