
Ricky Hall
No Child Left Behind
John Becker
David Estrop

So yesterday, I announced that we'll be giving states more flexibility to meet high standards for teaching and learning. It's time for us to let states, and schools and teachers come up with innovative ways to give our children the skills they need to compete for the jobs of the future. This will make a huge difference in the lives of students all across the country. For example yesterday, I was with Ricky Hall, the principal of a school in Worcester, Massachusetts. Every single student who graduated from Ricci's school in the last three years went on to college. But because they didn't meet the standards of No Child Left Behind, Ricci's school was labeled as failing last year. That will change because of what we did yesterday. From now on, we'll be able to encourage the progress at schools like Ricci's. From now on, people like John Becker, who teaches at one of the highest-performing middle schools in D.C., will be able to focus on teaching his 4th graders math in a way that improves their performance instead of just teaching to a test. Superintendents like David Estrop from Ohio will be able to focus on improving teaching and learning in his district instead of spending all his time on bureaucratic mandates from Washington that don't get results. This isn't just the right thing to do for our kids – it's the right thing to do for our country, and our future. It's time to put our teachers back on the job. It's time to rebuild and modernize our schools. And it's time to raise our standards, up our game, and do everything it takes to prepare our children to succeed in the global economy. Now is the time to once again make our education system the envy of the world. Thanks for listening.
昨天,我宣布我们给各个州更多的灵活性以应对高标准的教学。现在是我们让各个州、学校和老师们积极创新,给我们的孩子们竞争未来的工作所需要的技能的时候了。 这将给全国的学生的生活带来巨大的改变。昨天,我和马萨诸塞州沃塞斯特的一位校长Ricky Hall在一起。近三年来他的学生都考上了大学。但是因为他们不符合不让一个孩子掉队的标准,所以该校被认定为不称职学校。 这种现状将因我们昨天的作为而改变。从现在起,我们将能够鼓励像这样的学校进步。从现在起,像在华盛顿特区教数学的John Becker这样的人,将可以集中精力教授四年级数学,这种方式将提高学生的能力而不是应对考试。像俄亥俄州的David Estrop一样的教务长们将集中精力改进教学,而不是把时间花在应对来自华盛顿的徒劳无功的官僚主义监管上。 这不仅是为我们的孩子们做的正确的事,更是我们为我们的国家、我们的未来做的正确的事。现在是让我们的教师重返工作岗位的时候了。现在是重建和使我们的学校现代化的时候了。现在是提高我们的标准、升降我们的竞赛和为我们的孩子能准备好在全球经济竞争中制胜尽一起所能的时候了。现在是再一次让我们的教育系统成为世界羡慕的焦点的时候了。 多谢聆听。 ——译文来自: jerry9032