Stefan受刺激了啊,他彻底火大了...所以他来找他哥算账了~ ~

老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
Damon: Told you I'd take care of it. Come on. ________1_________
Stefan: _________2__________
Damon: ________3_________
Stefan: No. _______4_______ I'm sparing yours.You're even. And now we're done.
I did this for you to get them off our trail. You never do anything for anyone but yourself. You missed. You saved my life.
Damon:早告诉你我会处理好的。拜托,我是为了你洗脱我们的嫌疑。trail: 痕迹;踪迹 Stefan:你做任何事都是为了你自己。 Damon:你误会了。 Stefan:没有。你救了我的命。我也饶你一命,现在我们扯平了。再无瓜葛。 even: 扯平的,互无借贷的,互不欠的,两讫的,结清的不盈不亏的,得失相当的;两抵的