
Steven Benner: In science you get excited by incremental steps, by even small things. And in a sense, this is an incremental step.

You're listening to molecular biologist Steven Benner. He is talking about a molecule-sized step towards creating artificial life forms. [---1---] [---2---] He said the next step is to make his artificial DNA self-sustaining.

Steven Benner: [---3---] And that's one of many steps that's going to be taken as we try to get an artificial life form.

Benner said artificial DNA molecules are used as medical tools – for example to help doctors monitor the level of HIV in a patient's blood. [---4---]

Steven Benner: It's an old question, right? How life originated is very closely tied to the question, are we alone? [---5---]

I'm Deborah Byrd. ES, a clear voice for science. We're at

The DNA of all life on Earth is made up of the same four chemical letters of the genetic code. Benner has designed a DNA molecule with eight new chemical letters in addition to the four natural letters. If you can retain artificial genetic alphabets in the copying process, that means you have the ability to take the next step, which is to make that copying self-sustaining. But he said the creation and search for new forms of life goes much deeper. If there's a lot of aliens out there, that means it must be easy to get life originating, and it must be easy to sustain life.