本次选自雅思section 3,难度一般

场景背景介绍:本节中的对话发生在学生Sandy和她的个人辅导老师之间。讨论的内容从论文的数据分析、使用软件到参考书目及章节的设定。在英国大学中,每个学生都会有个人辅导老师,在 学习或生活中的任何问题都可以寻求辅导老师的帮助。一些中国学生在学习方面遇到的压力和问题比较多,比如论文的写作方法、结构记忆自己做独立论文的方法。此时可以尝试先征求导师的意见,否则可能在第一次写论文时得不到理想的分数。

听写模式:全文听写,不需要写A:.... B:....,直接空行即可。

Context Review
So, let's look at some new targets. We'll start by having a chat about your Chapter One. I very much enjoyed reading it. Your written style is very clear and you've included lots of interesting descriptions of education in your target area. I've just got a couple of suggestions for some additional work. Of course. Could I just ask - what do you think I should call it? Well, I'd go for something like Context Review. What do you think? Well, short and to the point. Exactly. Now, as regards specific areas to work on, I'd be quite interested to have a few more statistics about the schools in the different zones. Oh, that wouldn't be a problem. I can get them from the Internet. Great, and although you did make a reference to quite a few different writers, I think you should aim to cite more works written later than 2000. OK. That's more difficult, but I can try. When do you want that done by? Oh, it's not urgent. Um I should aim for the end of term. But in the meantime, I think you should also be thinking about Chapter Two. Should I be drafting it already? No, but I think you should note down its main sections. Yes. You know, I always find that the hardest part. I always find it helpful to put some ideas on index cards. Yeah. Um... and then you can sort them, and even lay them out on the floor. It's a real help. Well, I'll certainly try it! When would the deadline be for that? My advice would be to get it done before you embark upon the research. You can always change it later if you need to. OK. I'll get going on that then.